There’s a Change in the Air and it Smells Like Teen Spirit

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

– Benjamin Franklin

Having only been here 9 months and taking the time to get to know our new location, educate ourselves on how to interact with our new environment, and work as an eco-tour guide, getting out in nature whenever we can, we have made the most of our time not being in the full-time workforce. Many thanks for having the proceeds from the sale of our house to keep us in this position, but like all good things, this too must come to an end.

Last month, I was finally able to start applying for teaching here in Florida. I live right on the border of two counties/school districts and that afforded me a number of opportunities.

I had decided that I would either work as a substitute and continue to work when possible on the water as a guide, or take on a full-time position and limit my eco-tour time. Of course, most teachers want their own classroom, but being a substitute teacher has some great benefits. As a sub, I can explore all the different schools and that means I can get a good feel for how everything works at that particular school. It’s much like a “test drive” of schools.

Additionally, I get to see how other teachers run their classrooms and see how are they organized. What great ideas can I take with me? What absolute NOs am I taking away with me? The plus side to getting straight into a classroom is stability, pay, benefits, and consistent community.

If you are ever considering the teaching path, taking a year to sub either at the beginning or while in transition like I am, is a great idea if you can afford to do so. I could definitely balance my income doing both jobs, but I have been out of the classroom for far too long and I am ready to get back into my own room.


human geography

When I did my field experiences during my teaching program, I worked with high schools and middle schools and my goal was to end up in a high school. In part because I really wanted the minds that were itching to think more deeply. Have those discussions. Express those ideas.

When I did my student teaching experience, I landed a middle school and I am so thankful for who I had as my cooperative teacher. She was so awesome. Supportive, but willing to relinquish control. Guiding and not absent. I heard many nightmare stories from my fellow classmates in college, I counted myself lucky. We are still in contact today and I can’t say enough good things about her. She definitely earned her recent retirement.

Unfortunately, the theory is, that if you hire on with a middle school, you will have a difficult time getting into a high school if you want to change, so get on with the grade you want from the start. My first job was in a middle school because let’s face it, first-year teachers will take what they can. I didn’t regret it. I loved my students. We had such an amazing class community. Just like you never forget your favorite teacher, you never forget your first-year students.


Now that I am here in Florida, I thought I had changed and really loved teaching at a middle school, but the universe had other plans. I applied to both middle and high school here and I only applied to maybe four schools in both districts before I had my first and only interview. My interview was awesome and that says a lot because I have participated in dozens of interviews as a teacher. There is so much competition and it can be exhausting. This one was so easy and comfortable. I really liked everyone’s energy in the room and I felt welcomed. It was almost equal to my interview with my ecotour work, but honestly, the chill environment at a pastry shop and chat ratcheted that interview up a couple of notches.

After my teaching position interview I was told that I would hear from them either way on Friday when they are done with all the applicants. After a short 15 min drive home, I noticed I had a missed call and message from the Assistant Principal. I played the message and he had just a happy tone so I knew it wasn’t bad but he asked me to call back and I did. Apparently, everyone in the room was upset that they didn’t offer me the position right there and then. You can’t get a better compliment.

Interestingly enough, my first teaching job ended almost the same way. In that case, I actually answered the phone on my way home and was offered the position 10 minutes after the interview as well. That gives me just the biggest “Happies”.

So, I will be teaching high school this year, but wait there is more, I will be teaching AP Human Geography and US History. It’s a little intimidating but I’m always up for a challenge. I mean, you don’t grow in your comfort zone, right?


Tour at Don Pedro with the company I work with. Get Up and Go Kayaking – Don Pedro

Don’t fret, I will continue working with Salty Seananigans, but there will be some adjustments made for the next couple of months as my new schedule gets settled. I will continue to write as often as I can, but I am thinking I will have to post every other Monday until I feel like I have a handle on my teaching curriculum and then back to weekly.

I will keep writing though as if I were planning to post because I want to figure out a smooth writing schedule. Depending on the topic, I spend more days researching than writing, so it is completely possible, but I would rather give myself the cushioning than taking on more than I can feasibly handle. I tend to do that and I’m trying to break that habit.

As for ecotours, I will still be scheduled a couple of times a month and more during my breaks from teaching. There is a grand reason for this. One, it keeps my brain active in the topics I get to teach on the water, and two, it forces me to get on the water. I know, that if I don’t have a reason beyond myself, I will fall into a complacent place and just become consumed by my teaching and forget self-care beyond random homemade spa days.

Additionally, I will need all the physical activities I can get. I find I sit a lot when I’m going over grading and lesson planning.


First and foremost, breathe, and remember to keep doing that. This is an exciting new chapter and I need to pace myself even though I am so excited to get going. One issue I run in with being excited about something, I tend to put all of myself into it at full speed. I’m going to try and pace myself. Bring very little work home, build and keep my social life, keep getting myself out into nature and ground myself, and slowly build my career and all the things I want to do with the school and my students.

One of my goals and a question I was asked during my interview was how I felt about creating clubs. I’m, all for it. I would love to have a criminology club or an adventure club. I found the club list and though there isn’t really a criminology club, there is also no environmental club beyond a global issue club and I want to keep things local. So, my brain is already grinding gears about how I can create a club that got kids outside, in nature and educating the community while protecting what we have. I have been in talks with my work in tourism and some friends who would love to get involved. I feel I have built a good network this past year that can really help me with getting this into play.

While in Colorado, I helped with our Adventure Club, which got kids out into the Rockies and explore nature. It was fun, but it was more about getting out there to experience activities in nature, which is awesome, but not so much about educating and I want to educate and build stewards that want to protect our ecosystems.


Needless to say, I’m excited for this new chapter of my life and feel beyond full of so many great things to be thankful for. My goal is to continue building Salty Seananigans, growing with my ecotourism job, hitting the hiking trails once a week when possible on my way home from work, making sure I get on the water when I can, and just keep growing.

For now, I have to start working on my morning and evening routines. I am going to have to wake up at about 5 am and get some type of cardio and yoga done. Then I have to go to bed early, like 9 pm. Welp, I only have two weeks and three days to figure this out and on that note, I’m going to go and NOT freak out!

Come back next week. I’m in the middle of learning how to read waves and wave charts. Until then…

Stay Salty and Stay Connected

Kelley (Salty.Mhic)

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